Special Issues

From time to time, the Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences will consider publishing special issues on current topics of interest. Some special issues may also be dedicated to the publications of the proceedings of the international conference(s) on specialized topics. The publication committee responsible to look after the publication of the proceedings will get the papers(s) refereed by at least one referee. The material intended for publication may be sent to ''RGN Publications'' suggesting also the name(s) of the person(s) who will act as editor(s) of the special issue.

Special issue proposals in the format of a single PDF document, are required to be submitted by e-mail to  prof.premnath.jims@gmail.com . Please include in the subject line 'JIMS Special Issue Proposal'.

Published special issue(s):

Vol 9, No 3 (2017)
Proceedings of "Current Scenario in Pure and Applied Mathematics"
December 22-23, 2016
Kongunadu Arts and Science College (Autonomous)
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Vol 9, No 2 (2017)
Proceedings of International Conference on Science and Sustainable Development (ICSSD)
“The Role of Science in Novel Research and Advances in Technology”
Center for Research, Innovation and Discovery, Covenant University, Nigeria
June 20-22, 2017

Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Reflections on Linear Jaco Graphs