Some Bounds on \(a\)-Analogue Atom-Bond Connectivity Related Indices




ABC indices, a-analogue ABC indices


For any non-real number \(a\), the significance of the \(a\)-analogue Atom-Bond Connectivity indices lies within the actuality of their particular cases for well-chosen values for the variant \(a\). In this paper, we obtained some bounds based on the vertex-degree along with the variant \(a\) value, inequalities in other degree-based indices, and characterizations of these novel \(a\)-analogue \(ABC\) indices.


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How to Cite

Sarveshkumar, B., & Chaluvaraju, B. (2023). Some Bounds on \(a\)-Analogue Atom-Bond Connectivity Related Indices. Communications in Mathematics and Applications, 14(4), 1293–1300.



Research Article